Welcome to Kaiser Musix!
New CD available in the stores!

New CD available in the stores

With the new electronica EP I release 5 remastered songs of the last years. The EP is altogether quite thoughtful and a bit melancholic, but still very powerful and equipped with a lot of interesting electronic effects, which makes the music a pleasure with a special spatial experience.

spotify / itunes / amazon / tidal

My story

The composer and musician Ralf Christoph Kaiser attaches great importance to versatility. In his solo project, he plays all the instruments himself, mixed and mastered partly by Heiko Klüh.
Music has played a major role in Ralf Christoph Kaiser's life since early childhood: Three years of flute lessons were followed by nine years of violin and two years of drums. Ralf started using what he had learned in these lessons in the school orchestra. This was followed by engagements in the jazz band Ventil, and after completing his degree in graphic design in 2000 he played in the band CMYK. The later band Glad Giants lead to the band Limoband where Ralf is still an active member.

The EP by the band Cool By The Pool ( 2009) is available on iTunes.

In 2013, the solo project kaiser-musix started up.
On February 8,2018 the new Best of EDM CD by the title 50/50 was released.

Ralf Christoph Kaiser

I am delighted to introduce my music to you here and look forward to hearing your feedback and swapping ideas with you. Here’s to a wonderful musical time together!

Best regards,
Ralf Christoph Kaiser

kaiser-musix Stores

kaiser-musix music is available in stores worldwide.


Telefon: 0 76 42 - 92 88 2 · E-Mail: info@kaiser-musix.de

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